Dr. Lance Tatum, President | Northwest Missouri State University
Dr. Lance Tatum, President | Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Missouri State University honored six individuals Wednesday as recipients of its annual Faculty Excellence Awards in recognition of their teaching, scholarship, and service during 2023-24.
Northwest Provost Dr. Jamie Hooyman congratulated Dr. Shelly Hiatt after she was announced as the University's Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education recipient. Continuing the institution’s tradition of naming one honoree as Northwest’s Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education recipient, the University announced that Hiatt, a professor of counseling, will receive the 2025 award. Hiatt, who joined the Northwest faculty in 1997, teaches courses related to psychology and school guidance and counseling.
“We’re here because we’re dedicated to student learning; we’re here to help students achieve their dreams and become our next leaders,” said Dr. Jamie Hooyman. “Our faculty share that passion, and it is my pleasure every year to recognize these outstanding individuals.”
The Governor’s Award is sponsored by the Missouri Council on Public Higher Education and presented annually to an outstanding faculty member representing each of Missouri’s four-year public institutions. Northwest’s recipient is chosen from faculty members who receive the University’s Faculty Excellence Award for teaching and exemplify criteria such as effective teaching, advising, innovation in course design and delivery, service to the university and community, and commitment to high standards of excellence.
For Northwest's Faculty Excellence Awards, one recipient is selected in each category—teaching, scholarship, and service—from nominees representing Northwest’s six professional schools. Additionally, one recipient is selected from nominees representing the five academic departments comprising the College of Arts and Sciences.
All full-time faculty holding a Board of Regents-approved appointment at the University are eligible for Faculty Excellence Awards.
This fall's Faculty Excellence Award recipients include:
Dr. Rachel Day: Assistant professor of music in the Department of Fine and Performing Arts has revolutionized instruction in applied vocal lessons with her research-based methodology that considers the whole body as an instrument. Her teaching methods significantly improve singing techniques while fostering confidence among students.
Dr. Shelly Hiatt: Professor of counseling in the School of Health Science and Wellness has shown relentless commitment to teaching excellence through best practices in curriculum development and pedagogy. Students describe her classroom experience as informative and compassionate.
Dr. Tina Ellsworth: Assistant professor of professional education demonstrates effective scholarship with nine peer-reviewed works since 2023 and co-authorships on three grants totaling $210,000 since 2022.
Dr. Sarah Naramore: Assistant professor of history published a book titled “Benjamin Rush, Civic Health, and Human Illness in the Early American Republic” with University of Rochester Press this June among other scholarly activities.
Dr. Elyssa Ford: Professor of history directs multiple projects including an archival project with Missouri State Archives providing unique opportunities for students while actively serving various university committees.
Dr. Bayo Joachim: Professor of communication serves on several committees including advisor roles for student organizations while modeling selfless service through volunteer work supporting students' needs outside academic duties.